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讲座人:Prof.Bennett. S. Cohen (Yale University), 周敏教授(上海外国语大学)




1.From Fiction to Stage

The report focuses on the process of adapting It Can’t Happen Here, the novel written by Sinclair Lewis, for the stage along with Tony Taccone, which was originally performed by Berkeley Repertory Theater in 2016 and has since been published by Dramatist’s Play Service and produced numerous times throughout the United States and in England, will focus not only on that work, but also on the experience with adaptations over the past 35 years in theater, film, and television. During that time, I have adapted such works as the German play The Soldiers, by Jakob Lenz, the novels Rainbow Drive, The Night of the Fox, and The Snarkout Boys and the Avocado of Death, for television, and have had my own book, The Zebra Murders: A Season of Killing, Racial Madness, and Civil Rights adapted for both film and television, while also being involved in the adaptations of other works as both a producer and a consultant. My talk will touch upon the different demands made on adaptations by all three mediums, and the unique set of circumstances that surrounded our adaptation of It Can’t Happen Here, a fictional play about a Presidential election that proved devastating for America, in the midst of a real Presidential election that proved much the same.


在全球化看似正裂变为全球分化的今天,多元文化主义好像再也不是政治正确的语料库里最为顺手的话语武器了。2013年,在加拿大魁北克,加拿大新民主党(New Democratic Party of Canada)在其党章中宣布支持间性文化主义(interculturalism)。多元文化主义的丧钟似乎在世界各地回响,无论是左派,还是右派,尽都徘徊在各种文化话语的间隙,不知道该往哪里走。更为迫切的是,在实践的层面,位于多元文化现实世界的个体该如何相处?围绕这些背景,本文将从20世纪的政治语境出发,考察多元文化主义的历史症候,以及间性文化主义作为多元文化主义解药之可能性与不可能性,提出重归整体性思考及人类命运共同体建设的必要性。


1.Bennett Cohen graduated from Yale school of Drama at Yale University with MFA and has taught at Yale University and UCLA. He is a freelance writer/producer with Garrett Street Films, Walt Disney Productions, Paramount Television and Fox International. His work includes The Zebra Murders, The Last Voyage of Zheng He, The Travel Writer, Broken Sky, The Magicians, The Hunted, etc.

2.周敏,英美文学博士(后),上海外国语大学文学研究院副院长,研究员,博士生导师,《英美文学研究论丛》副主编,Explorations in Media Ecology (美国)期刊编委、Open Humanities Press(英国)Critical Climate Change系列丛书顾问、教育部新世纪优秀人才,美国哥伦比亚大学“富布莱特”高级研究学者。近年来,在Telos、《文学评论》、《外国文学评论》等国内外核心期刊发表学术论文四十余篇,在国内外出版学术专著The Transcription of Identities: A Study of V. S. Naipaul’s Postcolonial Writings、《什么是后现代主义文学》《希利斯米勒选集》等学术专著、译著。近年独立主持国家社科基金项目、教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划项目、新闻出版署“经典外译项目”、教育部“十一五”规划项目、中国博士后科研基金项目、上海外国语大学青年创新团队项目等科研项目。曾应邀在德国海德堡大学、意大利博洛尼亚大学、美国哥伦比亚大学、加州大学(尔湾)、纽约州立大学(阿尔巴尼)、加拿大滑铁卢大学、泰国易三仓大学、特立尼达西印度大学等十余所海外高校进行专题讲座。学术研究之外,擅长会议口译,曾为包括诺贝尔奖得主访华活动、联合国计划发展署、联合国教科文组织、世博会、国际博协大会等担任同声传译、交替口译译员。







